G-CLSP (SE-KUA) serial number 91-254 was built by De Schelde in Dordrecht Holland under license for the Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget (SAAB) in the 1950s due to the high production of Jet fighter aircraft at the main SAAB production facility at Linkoping Sweden. G-CLSP, formally Royal Swedish Air Force number 50042, was built for the Swedish Air Force firstly as a flight training aircraft and later as a liaison transport aircraft. The SK50 was developed to replace a now ageing training fleet including the North American Harvard, the SK50 itself being replaced by the SK61 Scottish Aviation Bulldog around 1972 . The SK50 were slowly withdrawn from service but soldiered on until the early1990s when the final one was withdrawn from service. Its final role was as liaison aircraft assigned to fighter groups and being painted in camouflage all be it with Day-Glo strips!
During its service life, 50042 was assigned firstly F5-42 Swedish Air Force Flying academy based at Ljungbyhed, later being assigned as a liaison aircraft and painted in camouflage to F21-72 Norrbotten Air Force wing fighter/reconnaissance, equipped with the 'SAAB Draken' based at Lulea airport in Northern Sweden . Finally 50042 returned to the Air Force Flight academy at F5-72 Ljungbyhed.
In 1990 SK50 50042 was finally released from service and passed to a military flying club. 50042 then became SE-KUA and was certified for flight in1990 under the Luftfartsverket and operated by Malmens Veteran Flygklubb Linkoping being marked as an aircraft that operated out of Linkoping F3-72.
SE-KUA flew its last flight in 2001 and was then stored at Linkoping.
Nick Stone Purchased SE-KUA from Malmens Veteran Flying Club, Linkoping in July 2020 and it was transported to Blackstone Aviation at Eshott Airfield Northumberland by road and sea via Gothenburg for restoration.
The aircraft is currently being surveyed but to date has been found to be in good condition and has been well maintained during its life time. Its replacement engine will be overhauled and the propeller will be sent out for overhaul.
As we progress with this project we will up date the site and add extra photographs of progress!!